Hi. My first post here.
I got BARIS from Home of the Underdogs ages ago, the floopy version. Then I got the patches. It works fine all the time. I use DOS-Box and D-Fend.
Yesterday I finally bit the bullet and downloaded the CD version ISO image.
I managed to get everything on the CD version working except the ever-so-demanding mission videos. I got static, I got the images beside the main panel. It proceeds beyond the 'launch' phase and the game crashes out with an internal error.
I couldn't figure out how to do the proper 'install' off the CD I burnt using the ISO image, so I just dragged-and -dropped everything on to my hard disk.
I got the directory and CD-mounting on D-Fend, but I just cannot get the darn thing to display the videos right! I got the animated-sequence for the newcasters through.