Author Topic: Installing Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space CD Version on WIN XP  (Read 125747 times)

Offline Peyre

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Re: Installing Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space CD Version on WIN XP
« Reply #75 on: May 14, 2006, 10:00:12 AM »
The Intro and end music AREN'T MP3's. While it was strictly around in that era (since 1989), it wasn't at all widespread until the mid-late 90's.

What IS on the CD is just CD Audio. So, if the analog CD audio lead on your CD-ROM isn't connected to your soundcard (by a tiny 4-pin cable, not the huge IDE lead), you may not get any audio, depending on the path it decides to take.
The intro and end music are available as MP3s on the root of my BARIS CD (it's an original, not a burned copy).  I expect the game doesn't make use of them but that they were put there as "extras" of some sort.
I'm sorry everyone.  My mistake.  LEO, you're right--they aren't MP3 files on the root of the CD; my memory was messed up on that one.  What happened was, I opened the CD in Easy CD Creator, and it showed three tracks on the CD.  One of those was the game itself; the other two were the MP3 files.  (So they're there, but basically hidden.)  I extracted those as MP3s and added ID3 tags.  They're on my BARIS page, so anyone who's interested is welcome to download them.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2006, 12:11:20 PM by Peyre »

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Re: Installing Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space CD Version on WIN XP
« Reply #76 on: June 02, 2006, 04:29:47 PM »
Hmmm, looks like quoting doesn't work in Safari...

@ Peyre: Ah right, no worries... That was puzzling me..
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Offline RCS1

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Re: Installing Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space CD Version on WIN XP
« Reply #77 on: October 13, 2006, 01:04:25 AM »
Hi. My first post here.

I got BARIS from Home of the Underdogs ages ago, the floopy version. Then I got the patches. It works fine all the time. I use DOS-Box and D-Fend.

Yesterday I finally bit the bullet and downloaded the CD version ISO image.

I managed to get everything on the CD version working except the ever-so-demanding mission videos. I got static, I got the images beside the main panel. It proceeds beyond the 'launch' phase and the game crashes out with an internal error.

I couldn't figure out how to do the proper 'install' off the CD I burnt using the ISO image, so I just dragged-and -dropped everything on to my hard disk.

I got the directory and CD-mounting on D-Fend, but I just cannot get the darn thing to display the videos right! I got the animated-sequence for the newcasters through.

Offline Peyre

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Re: Installing Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space CD Version on WIN XP
« Reply #78 on: October 13, 2006, 11:46:48 PM »
Hi. My first post here.

I got BARIS from Home of the Underdogs ages ago, the floopy version. Then I got the patches. It works fine all the time. I use DOS-Box and D-Fend.

Yesterday I finally bit the bullet and downloaded the CD version ISO image.

I managed to get everything on the CD version working except the ever-so-demanding mission videos. I got static, I got the images beside the main panel. It proceeds beyond the 'launch' phase and the game crashes out with an internal error.

I couldn't figure out how to do the proper 'install' off the CD I burnt using the ISO image, so I just dragged-and -dropped everything on to my hard disk.

I got the directory and CD-mounting on D-Fend, but I just cannot get the darn thing to display the videos right! I got the animated-sequence for the newcasters through.
I've said this a dozen times, but not everyone knows it yet, apparently--YOU CAN'T COPY THE CD TO YOUR HARD DRIVE AND TELL DOSBOX THAT'S YOUR CD.  You must run the game with the CD in the drive (OR mount the ISO as an image using special tools such as Daemon).  If the install file on the CD doesn't work properly for you, download from my site and unzip it to where you want BARIS to reside, then point DOSBox appropriately.  Also be sure to set DOSBox to no more than 7000 CPU cycles.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2006, 02:07:25 PM by Peyre »

Offline RCS1

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Re: Installing Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space CD Version on WIN XP
« Reply #79 on: October 15, 2006, 01:04:42 AM »

Thank you for the heads up. I got the on-CD installation file to work now. Is the jury still out on the settings needed to make the mission videos work?

Offline Peyre

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Re: Installing Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space CD Version on WIN XP
« Reply #80 on: October 16, 2006, 02:08:26 PM »
Sorry, RCS.  Didn't mean to yell at you there.