JD- security around The Cape is very tight, especially since 9/11. Aside from the usual fences, remote cameras, patrols and IR scans- there are undoubtedly other systems and gadgets employed that are not publicized. On top of all that- the geography and environment there is a big security plus in itself. Anyone 'crawling' out there would very likely become dinner for alligators, fire ants, snakes (water moccasins & rattlers are prolific) and to a lesser degree, wild hogs and inadvertant punctures by sting ray spines. The launch complexes and other building areas are actually man-made islands in a semi-tropical swamp / salt marsh / lagoon system. The few places with any natural elevation (probably no more than 4 - 5 feet above MSL) are thickly covered with razor-sharp saw palms, sand spurs (you have to experience one to know the pain) and other unfriendly vegetation to go along with all the critters. In short- it's a beautiful place for nature- but not a place for a human to move through without calling attention to himself.