madmax, your description is exactly what i meant. I am not very good at describing things in a complex manner, so excuse me being a bit vague.
What i indeed meant was, the "space drive", converting energy into momentum with a specific direction, without expelling any mass, and without any mass from outside driving the craft forward.
Your examples like solar sails, maglev are typical examples of an object using a force to repel itself from another object, which of course is not possible in space.
I know this is total sci-fi at the moment, but is it even feasible? I guess our current knowlegde of physics probably forbids it, or does it? I don't know, I am hoping some of you can join in and share your ideas on this.
Sorry if i sound a bit stupid, i am no scientist, my maths are average (i hate complex maths

) but i like to discuss ideas, how ever weird or stupid they may seem