Probably good, that this discussion ended two years ago,...
but think about a realistic thing before starting a subject like this,... what would have been, if germany had filled the V1 and V2 that were fired at London not with explosives, but with nerve gas?!
What if Hitler didn´t want to go east (which was is primary target) at all,...? what if he´d attacked england right away?,... or ´41 instead of russia,.... And so you know for Military History : Italian troops never made a difference,...always, in every conflict, if the battles got to hard, and the losts got to high, they retreatet,.... seems like "to high" ment, they exceptet nobody to die,... but some foolish soldier did,...
What if Hitler hadn´t had to send the "Africa Corps" to help ItalianTroops,..?
What if the 4th Tankarmy would have moved to stalingrad and helped the 6th Army,...?
what if Hitler would have send jews to war, not to Concentration Cmps,..?
But the only good thing about that,.. after reading yout it for 6 years, i came to the conclusion Germany would have lots any way,... it could have ended before ´45 and under a bit different circumstances it could have been lasted longer,....
But in the last year of WWII as much people died as in the 5 years before! so thank god it didn´t last a month longer!!!