Just joined a few days ago, and have been having a great time reading the older posts.
Am 38 years old, and employed as an electronics/instrumentation geek for a university research lab. Essentially one half of a 2 person department (the other guy is a machinist) that designs and builds prototypes and one-off instruments and equipment for laboratory and field research. Primarily coastal oceanography and environmental science kind of stuff, as well as facility support for a high-speed towing tank for hydrodynamic studies (the marine equivalent of a wind tunnel).
Hobbies include ham radio (extra class) and restoring vintage electronics. Also a collector of vacuum tubes (thermionic valves for the non-US folks).
One of my earliest childhood memories was being propped in front of the TV by my parents to watch the Apollo 11 EVA. Had no idea what was going on at the time, but apparently it stuck with me.

Have always followed the space program somewhat closely, but in the last few months my interest has been reawakened through the eyes of my 3-year-old son.
It started a year or so ago, when I was up alone one night, and settling in to watch "Apollo 13" for the umpteenth time. My son came out of his room, and curled up on my lap. I figured he would quickly fall asleep and get tucked back into bed, but he ended up watching the whole 2-1/2 hour movie, and wanted to see it again the next day!

Since then, he has watched (multiple times) the entire series "From the Earth to the Moon", "Moon Shot", "The Right Stuff", and several others. He actually seems to prefer the "real" stuff to kid oriented films like "Space Camp". He just went as an astronaut this last halloween, of course.
Should have guessed something was up with him when one of his first words was "MOON!", pointing up into the sky...