Author Topic: How about an introduction?  (Read 82107 times)

Offline Khanthavone

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2004, 11:27:33 AM »
Hello everyone.

My name is Wayne Caissie, live in Wainwright Alberta.

I am also a student like peter only I got dumb and dropped out so right now I am getting my high school.  I'm 21, have a beautiful common-law woman, 4 year old girl, and a 3 month and 12 day, 8 hour old son.

I want to get a degree in aerospace engineering, and I want to specialize hopefully in missle design for  R&D canada.  Or someone more important!
Lately, I just spend an outrageous amount of money on my new obsessions namely hobby rockets, and electronic 'toys' making.  But I just can't wait to see the little one's face when she sees that rocket lift off.

So yeah, Lunar Orbit, I understand your plight, I work at KFC wainwright.  I choose to see it as a stepping stone for something greater rather than see myself for the current failure that I am...  I hope one day I never have to see that goddamn restaurant again!
"It is difficult to determine what is impossible for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow." - Robert Goddard

Offline Bob B.

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2004, 12:53:05 PM »
Quote from: Khanthavone
But I just can't wait to see the little one's face when she sees that rocket lift off.

That will probably be a very rewarding experience.  I've never been married nor do I have any children - I'm not complaining because that's the choice I made - but being able to share my interests and passions with a child is one of the things I regret missing.

You are still young enough to make some of your dreams come true, but trying to go to school while working a job and raising a family will be very hard.  If you get that engineering degree you will have certainly earned it.  I wish you the best of luck.

Offline Khanthavone

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« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2004, 01:29:40 PM »
Thanks Bob. B
You're a great guy.
Did I tell you how good your website is yet?  Just looked at the link again.
"It is difficult to determine what is impossible for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow." - Robert Goddard

Offline rencomm

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2004, 02:45:40 PM »
Quote from: Peterhouse
I suppose I'm the odd one out. You're all talking about what you have done and achieved, while I'm thinking about what I want to do.

I'm called Andy, I'm 14, I live in England and I'm a Christian. I found this site whilst researching an aspect of the 20th century for a school project- I chose the space race and this site came up first on the search engine. Thanks, LM, the site earnt me full marks!

I became interested in space flight after I saw Apollo 13, I decided to read Jim Lovell's book 'Lost Moon, and was soon hooked on space all together.

Umm, I'd like to do engineering and move over to America or Canada sometime. Working with a space agency would be an absolute dream come true, but I think that's aiming rather high.

....but hey! There's no reason to not try! :D

I really enjoy this site, and talking to the members in it. Hopefully I can absorb some of your wisdom! :wink:

Andy, dream as high as you want. If you haven't, watch the film "October Sky" and you'll see what I mean. It's a true story.
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Offline rencomm

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2004, 03:08:23 PM »
Let me also express my thanks to you, Lunar Orbit, for this Website. It's great to have a place to be able to come to to read, write and share thoughts, opinions and ideas about space flight and its history. On another note, if  you are talented enough and passionate enough to design, build and maintain this very cool Web site, then I think you can do most anything you want to do. Best of luck and  success to you and all of this board's participants.
She offered her honor, he honored her offer and all night long it was honor and offer.

Offline madmax

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2004, 04:07:05 PM »
For LO, Khanthavone, and Peterhouse:

When I was 21 I was homeless. Then I worked for what seemed forever in fast food. Went to college when I was 26, graduated at 30. I haven't achieved everything I might have liked to, but still pretty happy with what I have.
I've no doubt you guys have every possibility of achieving whatever you desire if you're willing to work for it.

P.S. for you engineers, I've recently found out I'm a descendant of Charles Coulomb. Even look somewhat like him. I was adopted, so haven't known about my biological family till just recently. Turns out they're all French-Canadian lumberjacks. I don't know how the Coulombs became lumberjacks!

Also for the Canuks reading this, as a child I lived in Dundas Ontario.
What me worry?

Offline Satanic Mechanic

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2004, 05:19:09 PM »
Quote from: madmax
P.S. for you engineers, I've recently found out I'm a descendant of Charles Coulomb.

That's pretty cool.  You got the engineer gene in you.  Getting that gene in my family is kind of a fluke, most are in the military or go into business on their own.

Offline Bob B.

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2004, 05:39:25 PM »
Quote from: LunarOrbit
I still haven't really decided what I'm doing with the rest of my life, Peter. Probably something to do with web design or computers, but without a college degree it's hard for me to get in the front door.  :|

Well you certainly seem to have the smarts and talent for Web design.  Have you ever looked into getting an associate degree?  Surely there are degrees offered that would be useful in the Web and computer industries; plus it would be quicker than obtaining a Bachelor degree.  I've known and worked with non-degree people who've had successful business careers, but you are right, that piece of paper (and the education that goes with it) really helps when you're looking for that initial break.

Offline LunarOrbit

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2004, 06:33:24 PM »
Thanks for the encouragement, guys! I'm glad the work I did on this site hasn't gone unnoticed. :)

Quote from: madmax
Also for the Canuks reading this, as a child I lived in Dundas Ontario.


Max! I say I'm in Hamilton because it's likely people have heard of it, but I'm actually in Dundas! Dundas is a part of Hamilton now, the Ontario government forced us to merge a couple of years ago.

How well do you remember it? Do you remember where you lived exactly?
" We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard..."
 - John F. Kennedy

Offline madmax

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« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2004, 06:45:03 PM »
First we lived on Grand Ave at the top of Tweedsmure (sp?) for a year.
Then lived on Tweedsmure (#22 I think) for a couple of years.
Moved from there to the end of South street, on top of the hill overlooking the Bertram machine factory (where my dad worked). Of course I don't know if Bertram is still there, I haven't been there since 1967, but I understand the house we lived in is now a retirement home. I attended the school on the next street over, though I forget it's name.
Later lived across Grand from the Dominion shopping center in apartments. Went to Dundana school then.

Do any of these places I remember even still exit?
What me worry?

Offline Simkid

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #25 on: October 22, 2004, 02:55:30 PM »
My name is Ned Carlson, I'm 16 and live in Toronto.  My two big interests are public transit, space and computers.  Right not I'm planning to major in urban planning (grade 10 now, so university is a couple years off), but I'm trying to leave myself open to doing som kind of engineering instead.  I'm not planning to go into a field related to space, but it is a very large interest of mine.

Offline Satanic Mechanic

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« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2004, 03:12:47 PM »
Does your school have a "running start" or dual-enrollment plan (take college classes in place of taking H.S. classes)for your high school?   A friend of mine's daughter got her B.S. when she was 19 because she took college classes instead of the high school ones.
Don't be intimidated by the college classes, they are pretty much the same crap that they teach in high school.  Get rid of all your general education and humanities junk first.  When you graduate high school all you have left is the "core" of your major so you can take a lighter credit load.
I wish they had that program when I was younger.

SM :twisted:

Offline rencomm

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2004, 08:37:55 PM »
Quote from: Simkid
My name is Ned Carlson, I'm 16 and live in Toronto.  My two big interests are public transit, space and computers.  Right not I'm planning to major in urban planning (grade 10 now, so university is a couple years off), but I'm trying to leave myself open to doing som kind of engineering instead.  I'm not planning to go into a field related to space, but it is a very large interest of mine.

Ned: "public transit, space and computers" are more than 2 interests.  :wink:

If you are "planning to major in urban planning" -- an interesting field, please get your degree and move to Richmond, VA, b/c we need your help -- but leaving yourself "open" to some type of engineering, then you are not committed to anything. Which is good. At your age, the possibilities are endless, so don't pigeonhole yourself into something you might lose interest in a short time into your adulthood. If you can take college credits while in H.S. as suggested, then do it, and it will allow you more time and credits to explore different areas of interest. If space does interest you, you don't have to be an engineer to work for NASA or the Canadian Space Agency. Big agencies like that need budget analysts, policy analysts, gov't  relations people, PR people, even diplomatic folks to work with other nations' space agencies, and all sorts of non-scientific specialists. It's a route I wish I had taken. I'd love to have worked for NASA.
She offered her honor, he honored her offer and all night long it was honor and offer.

Offline Simkid

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« Reply #28 on: October 23, 2004, 02:59:08 PM »
Oops, wrote more than I meant to.  I think they do have some college credit courses, and I'm plannign to look into them.  The only field connected to space that erally interests me would be engineering, but I'm pretty sure I want to be and urban planner.  Really even if I did go into engineering, it probably wouldn't be aerospace related.

Offline LunarOrbit

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« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2004, 05:58:55 PM »
Judging by your username and your interest in urban planning, I bet you like to play SimCity. ;)
" We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard..."
 - John F. Kennedy