Hello everyone.
My name is Wayne Caissie, live in Wainwright Alberta.
I am also a student like peter only I got dumb and dropped out so right now I am getting my high school. I'm 21, have a beautiful common-law woman, 4 year old girl, and a 3 month and 12 day, 8 hour old son.
I want to get a degree in aerospace engineering, and I want to specialize hopefully in missle design for R&D canada. Or someone more important!
Lately, I just spend an outrageous amount of money on my new obsessions namely hobby rockets, and electronic 'toys' making. But I just can't wait to see the little one's face when she sees that rocket lift off.
So yeah, Lunar Orbit, I understand your plight, I work at KFC wainwright. I choose to see it as a stepping stone for something greater rather than see myself for the current failure that I am... I hope one day I never have to see that goddamn restaurant again!