Author Topic: How about an introduction?  (Read 82108 times)

Offline Bob B.

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How about an introduction?
« on: October 18, 2004, 05:54:36 PM »
I first joined this forum a couple months ago after making LunarOrbit's acquaintance at the Apollohoax forum. Since coming here I've noticed there appears to be a fairly small core group of regular contributors. Since I've had, and will likely continue to have, discussions with many of you on space-related topics, I'd like to know a little about each of you. For instance, if I'm talking to someone about spacecraft propulsion I'd like to know whether the person I'm talking to is an amateur rocketry enthusiast or a seasoned aerospace engineer. It's not that I don't trust the amateur's opinion, but knowing one's credentials can sometimes be helpful. If you prefer to remain anonymous I'll respect that, but a brief introduction would be appreciated (real names not necessary).

I'll start this off by introducing myself. I'm currently 46 years old and I've lived most of my life in Ohio, though I did spend 10 years in Alabama (1988-98). I earned a B.S. degree in civil engineering from the Univ. of Cincinnati in 1981. I've worked as a general contractor my entire professional career. I've had a lifelong interest in space flight I feel very fortunate to have lived through the Apollo era. I am particularly interested in the technology of space flight and have studied the subject on and off since 1995 (got started after seeing the movie Apollo 13). I'm strictly an amateur but my core engineering education has helped greatly in my understanding of such things as astrodynamics and rocket propulsion. One of the drawbacks of the construction business is that one doesn't get to do much engineering. Therefore my extracurricular studies have allowed me to blow the dust off my old textbooks and begin flexing my nearly atrophied engineering muscles again. It's been a fun journey.

My Web site has been a spin-off of my studies. I hope others find the site helpful but it was really created more for my own benefit. Unfortunately I got sidetracked from my original plan for a couple years by getting involved in debunking that stupid moon hoax theory. I hope to set that issue aside now and get back to expanding the rest of the Web site. I've begun researching again and I'm getting close to making some additions. I hope I can call on the expertise of people at this forum should I need a helping hand.

Offline madmax

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2004, 12:55:57 PM »
I'm 47, have a bachelors in Math, and earn my living as a computer programmer.
Two of my main interests are history and space, so this site is right up my alley.
What me worry?

Offline LunarOrbit

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2004, 01:44:55 PM »
I'm 29, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I wish I could say I have professional experience or a university degree in an area related to space exploration or rocketry, but no, I'm just a novice.

I started this website with no expectation that it would even be visited by anyone except maybe my friends and family. It was really just an excuse to hone my web design skills... I was either going to make a web site about space exploration or movies (two of my main interests), and ended up choosing space exploration. I'm glad I did. :)

The forum has a small group of regular users, but I am amazed that it is as busy as it is. Thank you all for coming back!  :lol:
" We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard..."
 - John F. Kennedy

Offline Ottawan

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2004, 01:45:43 PM »
51, majored in History and English and work for a Chartered Accountant firm.

Been fascinated with space flight since following the Gemini 4 mission when I was 11 years old.

Other interests are history(obviously), especially the US Civil War, science fiction (in film & print), computer gaming (currently addicted to Civ3), women and finally, beer.

Not all in that order though :D
Man must explore . . . and this is exploration at its greatest

Dave Scott, Apollo 15

Offline Bob B.

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2004, 03:03:53 PM »
Quote from: madmax
Two of my main interests are history and space, so this site is right up my alley.

I really like the categories found on this forum.  I regularly post to a couple other forums but they're more about lunar conspiracies.  This forum is better for general space-related discussion.

Quote from: LunarOrbit
I was either going to make a web site about space exploration or movies (two of my main interests), and ended up choosing space exploration. I'm glad I did. :)

So are we.

Quote from: LunarOrbit
Thank you all for coming back!

You are welcomed; and thanks to you for running this forum.

Quote from: ottawan
(currently addicted to Civ3)

Me too!  I've tried a few other games of that genre but Civ3 is the best.

Quote from: ottawan
Not all in that order though :D

And what order would you put them in? :P

Offline Satanic Mechanic

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2004, 03:23:22 PM »
I am a 30 year old software engineer.  I have two degrees, one in electronics, one in industrial technology and I am working on my third degree.  I have always loved space, propulsion, and jet/pulse-jet engine design.  Learned jet engine theory on the first captured Jumo-004 by American forces during WWII when I was at U.I. six years ago.  
My hobbies are reading (technical, historical, military, science fiction and alternative history), and of course demolition derby.

Offline evancise

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2004, 08:33:47 PM »
Let's see...  I'm a 27 year old guy who majored in Aerospace Engineering from THE University of Michigan.  I was born & raised in Bay City, Michigan.  I've been through Hamilton, Ontario, several times - my grandmother lived in Buffalo, NY.  We'd make the trek from Bay City to Port Huron, Sarnia, Hamilton, London, Buffalo at least once a year.

I currently live with my wife and daughter plus a new baby on the way, all of us in Houston, TX.  I'm a big fan of the manned space program.  To be honest, I think I found this site from the Man And The Moon site, but I don't recall how I came across that one either. Just lucky I guess.

Glad to be here and share what I can when I can.

Oh, and for hobbies - well I like to golf when I can make time, read, and play with computers.  Oh, and video games are a great stress relief for me.

Offline Peterhouse

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2004, 05:08:40 AM »
I suppose I'm the odd one out. You're all talking about what you have done and achieved, while I'm thinking about what I want to do.

I'm called Andy, I'm 14, I live in England and I'm a Christian. I found this site whilst researching an aspect of the 20th century for a school project- I chose the space race and this site came up first on the search engine. Thanks, LM, the site earnt me full marks!

I became interested in space flight after I saw Apollo 13, I decided to read Jim Lovell's book 'Lost Moon, and was soon hooked on space all together.

Umm, I'd like to do engineering and move over to America or Canada sometime. Working with a space agency would be an absolute dream come true, but I think that's aiming rather high.

....but hey! There's no reason to not try! :D

I really enjoy this site, and talking to the members in it. Hopefully I can absorb some of your wisdom! :wink:

Offline Bob B.

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2004, 08:38:33 AM »
Quote from: Peterhouse
....but hey! There's no reason to not try! :D

Absoulutely.  One sure way not to achieve your dreams is to never try.  Go for it!

Quote from: evancise
Let's see...  I'm a 27 year old guy who majored in Aerospace Engineering from THE University of Michigan.

A Wolverine! - I won't hold it against you  :D  (I'm from Ohio).

It's good to have a real-life Aerospace engineer among us.  I've got a question for you:  I imagine there is probably some specialization within a Aerospace program.  For instance, in the Civil program I attended one could specialize in construction, structures, highways, or environmental.  What are the specialties within Aerospace and what route did you take?

Quote from: Satanic Mechanic
I am a 30 year old software engineer.

Now I understand why you were asking me about the computer language I was considering for my Web page.  What type of systems do you work on?  Do you do anything in the aerospace industry?

Offline Peterhouse

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2004, 08:48:40 AM »
Quote from: Bob B.

A Wolverine! - I won't hold it against you  (I'm from Ohio).

  :? *is confused*

Offline Bob B.

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2004, 09:08:40 AM »
Quote from: Peterhouse
Quote from: Bob B.

A Wolverine! - I won't hold it against you  (I'm from Ohio).

  :? *is confused*

Ohio State University and the University of Michigan are fierce rivals in collegiate sports.  The football game between the schools is always one of the biggest of the year.  The OSU team is called the Buckeyes and the UM team is called the Wolverines.  I didn't personally attend OSU but the whole state tends to get into the rivalry.

Offline Satanic Mechanic

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2004, 09:52:12 AM »
I do not work in the Aerospace industry but I wish I did.  The only game for that around here is Boeing but they are a notoriously bad company to work for. A dream job for me would be to work for Lockheed's Skunkworks.
I work on embedded systems for the power protection industry, mainly in communications.  I'm in the R&D department so there are always challenges.


Offline LunarOrbit

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2004, 10:22:19 AM »
Quote from: Peterhouse
I suppose I'm the odd one out. You're all talking about what you have done and achieved, while I'm thinking about what I want to do.

I still haven't really decided what I'm doing with the rest of my life, Peter. Probably something to do with web design or computers, but without a college degree it's hard for me to get in the front door.  :| Right now I work part time at a video store... hardly a the kind of "career" (if you can call it that) that I want to do for the rest of my life.

Thanks, LM, the site earnt me full marks!

Great! I'm glad I could help. :)

Working with a space agency would be an absolute dream come true, but I think that's aiming rather high.

....but hey! There's no reason to not try!

The only way you're going to get what you want is to work hard to make it happen. Wishing for it doesn't work... that's the mistake I made.

Good luck, Peter, I'm sure you can achieve any goal you aim for. :)
" We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard..."
 - John F. Kennedy

Offline evancise

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2004, 11:13:34 AM »
Bob, I don't know if I can answer your question - you being an OSU fan and all.  Not that UM has much to stand on in the football stadium this year...  As long as we beat OSU...

Aerospace Engineering is very specialized, just like every other engineering field.  There are people who spend their whole lives solely on Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Fuselage, wings, "devices" (flaps, spoilers, etc.), etc.  Of course there are Aeros involved with automotive design, missiles, rockets - you name it.  Anything moving through a fluid (gas or liquid) usually needs an Aero Engineer - even a submarine (though those guys usually get more specialized naval training).

As for me...well, I'm more of a generalist.  I use my engineering background to help me out, but am more of a Systems Engineer than a real "Aerospace Engineer."  I'm certainly not a design engineer.

Peter, I know exactly where you're coming from.  Let me assure you that hard work and determination really does pay off.  You can get that dream job if you want it, but you need to stay the course and work your tail off - even at your current level.  Keep up the marks in math and science, especially.  Still, don't forget to have fun and enjoy life - you're only young once!  As for college - well, U of M has a lot of international students and I'm sure you'd enjoy it.  :)

Offline Satanic Mechanic

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How about an introduction?
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2004, 11:27:13 AM »
I think Ed has point on you coming to the U.S. for your education.  Some companies will not recognize a foreign degree.  If you go to a foreign university and try to transfer credits to a U.S. accredited univeristy you will get screwed over.  I have many friends who came here for schooling/work from outside the U.S. and have many problems with their previous degrees.
Hell, I had problems transfering my first degree to get my second degree and they were both in-state institutions!