Author Topic: Bart Sibrel...  (Read 39042 times)

Offline LunarOrbit

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Bart Sibrel...
« on: March 10, 2004, 09:55:48 PM »
Bart Sibrel is the scumbag who produced the Moon hoax films "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" and the Fox special "Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?", and tomorrow he plans to release another video titled "Astronauts Gone Wild".

The video follows Sibrel as he confronts former Apollo astronauts and challenges them to swear on the Bible that they really walked on the Moon. The challenge is a no-win situation for the astronauts because if they do Sibrel could simply omit it from his video or he could turn it around and say something like "See! They even lie to God!". But if the astronauts do not agree to swear on the Bible then it looks like they have something to hide.

Sibrel makes the astronauts look guilty by using paparazzi tactics... get them angry and then take their picture. It doesn't matter to believers of the Moon hoax theory that Sibrel hasn't presented any actual evidence to support his claims... the astronauts look guilty... case closed.

What Sibrel probably won't tell his audience is how he lured the astronauts to do interviews under false pretenses. He actually got himself invited into Edgar Mitchell's home using fake History Channel credentials. In September 2002 Sibrel was punched by 72 year old Buzz Aldrin after he ambushed Aldrin at a hotel, again under the pretenses of a legitimate interview. Other times he simply confronted the astronauts outside their homes or at public events.

Bart Sibrel, after running out of anything resembling real arguments, has resorted to showing video of astronauts who he has harrassed to the point of rage. If you throw rocks at a bee hive they will sting you, if you poke a bear with a stick he will rip your head off, and if you constantly harrass a person and shove a camera in their face they will get angry and possibly hit you.

If you feel like seeing a small clip of Sibrel's latest video, the video that I am sure will be used against him at his inevitable stalking trial, then click here (8mb, Realplayer). I'll warn you now... if you watch the video you will probably feel the urge to punch something afterwards... so keep a pillow handy.

Mr. Sibrel, if you're reading this, you make me sick.

I applaud every single astronaut who has had to deal with Sibrel... I can only imagine the patience it must have required.
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Offline snake river rufus

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Bart Sibrel...
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2005, 02:05:50 PM »
You are assuming that lil' bart can read :lol:
but Ill agree, that guy turns my stomach.
Great oogalee boogalees!

Offline marcthecool

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Re: Bart Sibrel...
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2005, 09:04:57 PM »
I saw one of those Fox conspiracy special today in class on tape, it has a disclamer in the beginning of it. It is horrible when people criticize you for your opinion. And if you think America lied about going to the moon, aren't you technically a communist.

Offline BazBear65

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Re: Bart Sibrel...
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2005, 09:25:46 PM »
It's just too bad Buzz didn't hit him harder ;)

Offline Clavius

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Re: Bart Sibrel...
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2005, 01:23:56 PM »
It is horrible when people criticize you for your opinion.

Not if your opinion is wrong.  There are some things about which you can have a legitimate difference of opinion -- there is no objective right or wrong answer to those questions.  But there are also questions that do have a right and wrong answer, such as whether a historical event really happened.  It is possible for your opinion to be wrong in those cases, and if you are wrong, you are wrong.

Free speech guarantees that all opinions can be heard.  It does not guarantee that all opinions are right, exempt from criticism, or acceptable.  The equality of opinion ends with its opportunity to be presented.  If an opinion is of the kind that can be right or wrong according to objective fact, then wrong opinions aren't as valuable as right ones.

And if you think America lied about going to the moon, aren't you technically a communist.


Offline Bob B.

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Re: Bart Sibrel...
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2005, 02:29:46 PM »
Free speech is a two-way street.  If you want the freedom to express your opinion, then you have to respect the fact that others are free to disagree.  It is hypocritical of someone to expect to speak freely with impunity.

Offline Count Zero

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Re: Bart Sibrel...
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2005, 03:10:08 PM »
. . . if you think America lied about going to the moon, aren't you technically a communist.

No, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics congratulated us on the accomplishment.
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Offline Johno

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Re: Bart Sibrel...
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2005, 08:55:10 PM »
It is horrible when people criticize you for your opinion.

Not if your opinion is wrong.  There are some things about which you can have a legitimate difference of opinion -- there is no objective right or wrong answer to those questions.  But there are also questions that do have a right and wrong answer, such as whether a historical event really happened.  It is possible for your opinion to be wrong in those cases, and if you are wrong, you are wrong.

Free speech guarantees that all opinions can be heard. It does not guarantee that all opinions are right, exempt from criticism, or acceptable. The equality of opinion ends with its opportunity to be presented. If an opinion is of the kind that can be right or wrong according to objective fact, then wrong opinions aren't as valuable as right ones.

I would argue that one should not be criticised for their opinion.  Their opinion is itself open to whatever criticism anyone wishes to level at it.  A small distinction, I know, but I think it's an important one; play the ball, not the bowler! :)

Offline jondon

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Re: Bart Sibrel...
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2007, 07:39:47 PM »
It is horrible when people criticize you for your opinion.
Surely it is just as horrible when someone such as Mr. Sibrel who was niether present at, nor involved, in any event to present the participants with spurious accusations of lying all for the reason of making a profit for himself from the wallets of gullible people? Had Mr. Sibrel lived in the 1800`s he would have being doing the same to Charles Darwin, and in previous times have accused Copernicus, Gallileo and Kepler of witchcraft...... perhaps he would even have accused the dinosaurs of having lied about their very existence....
« Last Edit: May 10, 2007, 07:45:01 PM by jondon »