"In a court of law, eyewitness testimony is considered the highest form of evidence.
In the 'court' of science, it is considered the lowest."
-Neil deGrasse Tyson
The scientific method has its limitations -- and
observation is one of them. Yes, scientists use it too. Scientists also rearrange history to suit their current theory. This gives the false impression of incredible consistency. A little parlor trick,
The case in point is one where history is being arranged for other purposes than consistency. The toy sailboat experiment is being
erased from history. So too is the antigravity progress by General Electric in the mid 50's.
First they stopped publishing anything on antigravity. Then with the obvious gap starting from 1955, someone decided to erase what had been commonly known up to that time. Fortunately, however, there are still fragments, little snippets, on the internet. America went 'black' on antigravity in 1955.
The British, who were working jointly on the project, didn't go 'black' until 1956.Communists, after a takeover, kill off everyone age 50 and older because they are
'untrainable'. I hope this
brave new world we are in doesn't adopt the same practice because
'we know too much'.