Author Topic: Sci-Fi Channel May Sue Government for UFO Documents  (Read 28903 times)

Offline LunarOrbit

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Sci-Fi Channel May Sue Government for UFO Documents
« on: October 21, 2003, 11:27:26 AM »
From Yahoo! News:

By Michael Learmonth

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The truth is out there, and the SCI FI Channel is determined to find it, even if that means suing NASA (news - web sites), the Department of Defense (news - web sites), the U.S. Army and Air Force for documents related to unidentified flying objects.

The part that got my attention was this:

In December 1965, residents of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania watched a fireball descend into a heavily-forested area 40 miles from Pittsburgh. That night the area was cordoned off by the military, trucks and helicopters came and went, and the town was briefly placed under martial law.

In December of 1965 there were two Gemini launches. Gemini 7 launched on December 4 and Gemini 6 launched on December 15.

Could the fireball have been one of the Gemini Titan rockets returning to Earth? They could have cordoned off the area for safety reasons and then kept the incident quiet for legal reasons.

Seems like a reasonable explanation, right? But no, UFO fanatics will only believe in one explanation: aliens. It doesn't matter what explanation the government gives, if it isn't that an alien spacecraft crashed in Kecksburg then they must be lying.  :roll:
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Offline Satanic Mechanic

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Sci-Fi Channel May Sue Government for UFO Documents
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2003, 12:11:21 PM »
I should sue Sci-Fi channel for their crappy format! ;)
They really need some major changes on that channel.  I quit watching after they got rid of some of my shows, started showing a lot of movies that have nothing to do with sci-fi (flinstones?), started showing john edward and scare tactics.


Offline LunarOrbit

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Sci-Fi Channel May Sue Government for UFO Documents
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2003, 12:21:36 PM »
I guess I'm not missing much then. Up here in Canada we have a channel called "SPACE: The Imagination Station" (or just "SPACE" for short). It's actually pretty good.
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Offline Satanic Mechanic

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Sci-Fi Channel May Sue Government for UFO Documents
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2003, 03:03:23 PM »
I remember seeing this channel when I was up in Nelson B.C. a few years ago.  It had a pretty good format, too bad they don't show it down here.

Offline Bferrero

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Sci-Fi Channel May Sue Government for UFO Documents
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2004, 06:25:27 PM »
I think the study of UFO's are interesting but...some of the investigations revolve around some conspiracy. Granted the public usually tries to tie most UFO's to aliens I myself don't really buy into the concept of just aliens. Sci-Fi channel doesn't have that much of an interesting line up and when they do have a show that is devoted to the paranormal, UFO's, etc. the reporters give third and fourth hand accounts. Rarely have I seen something that really made any point, or better yet swayed me into thinking that perhaps this real.

I would be a fool to believe everything I saw on that channel let alone regualr American news.

Offline Atdaban

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Sci-Fi Channel May Sue Government for UFO Documents
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2005, 11:06:04 AM »
Actually, SciFi is one of my favorite channels because of their original movies.
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Offline LunarOrbit

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Sci-Fi Channel May Sue Government for UFO Documents
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2005, 11:10:49 AM »
The NEW Battlestar Galactica series is very good, hopefully it will improve people's opinions of the Sci-Fi network.

Welcome to the forum, Atdaban. :)
" We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard..."
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Offline snake river rufus

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Sci-Fi Channel May Sue Government for UFO Documents
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2005, 03:01:59 PM »
I'd have to ask myself" what will they do with the documents?" I mean the sci-fi channel doesn't have a history of investigative journalism, so what next? Perhaps getting some papers out in the open would answer some questions, but I think that too many minds are made up.
Great oogalee boogalees!

Offline jdbenner

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Sci-Fi Channel May Sue Government for UFO Documents
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2005, 03:45:49 PM »
This sounds almost as silly as suing McDonalds for hot coffee.
But courts can be crasy
Joshua D. Benner Associate in Arts and Sciences in General Science

Offline marcthecool

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Re: Sci-Fi Channel May Sue Government for UFO Documents
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2005, 09:14:21 PM »
I saw in the news that there was this guy who could summon UFOs, if that's true, maybe UFOs are actually just that guys imagination. I believe that he can summon them because they had video footage (what I believe). He said we'd be seeing a lot more UFOs flying ofer Las Vegas in June-July (what I don't believe).