
Do you believe NASA faked the Moon landings?

The landings WERE faked
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The landings WERE NOT faked
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Total Members Voted: 22

Author Topic: Were the Moon landings faked?  (Read 129094 times)

Offline LunarOrbit

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Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2005, 03:33:33 PM »
I think the gov. faked it and took all the money.

The problem with that theory is that the hoax would have been more expensive than actually going to the moon was.

They would have had to bribe thousands of people and at the same time create the illusion that they were really going to the moon. To do that they would have to create vehicles, moon sets, costumes, and even fake moon rocks that could be closely scrutinized by people who were not in on the hoax (ie. the Russians).

By the time they faked the moon landings there would be no money left to take.
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Offline Graham

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Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2005, 09:28:28 AM »
Quote from: LunarOrbit
I think the gov. faked it and took all the money.

The problem with that theory is that the hoax would have been more expensive than actually going to the moon was.

They would have had to bribe thousands of people and at the same time create the illusion that they were really going to the moon. To do that they would have to create vehicles, moon sets, costumes, and even fake moon rocks that could be closely scrutinized by people who were not in on the hoax (ie. the Russians).

By the time they faked the moon landings there would be no money left to take.

Quite true and it is always somewhat surprising that the HBs have never really taken this into account in their claims.

What is even more surprising is that they do not take into account the pictures returned to Earth by Russian Lunar Probes (Warning:Long load time) all of which share a feature claimed by HBs to be 'proof' that the landings were faked, namely a complete lack of stars :!:

Offline jdbenner

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Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2005, 12:15:57 PM »
Quote from: Bob B.
I just discovered this news report.  It looks like it's official, the moon landings were a hoax!  How could I have been so stupid for believing it was real for all these years. :oops:

 :D Bob thanks for the “News Story” I laughed my socks off.  No gravity on the moon!  And that bit about the Van Alan Radiation belts!  I am a Nuclear Biological Chemical Defense specialist in the United States Marine Corp So It is my job to know what radiation can do to People.  And I can tell you eyes boiling in peoples skulls is an extreme exaggeration. :P  
Joshua D. Benner Associate in Arts and Sciences in General Science

Offline Jirnsum

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Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2005, 01:25:23 PM »
ESA is currently using SMART-1 to photograph the old Apollo and Soviet landing sites. Might finally put the conspiracy theorists to rest (unless they're going to say NASA forced ESA to fake pictures)
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Offline Bob B.

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Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #34 on: March 12, 2005, 06:06:10 PM »
Quote from: Jirnsum
ESA is currently using SMART-1 to photograph the old Apollo and Soviet landing sites. Might finally put the conspiracy theorists to rest (unless they're going to say NASA forced ESA to fake pictures)

I've had much experience with these moon landing hoax believers and I think I can safely say the real nut cases won't be convinced at all.  The problem with many of them is that their belief has nothing whatsoever to do with evidence.  It is more a paranoid distrust and hatred of the government.

Besides, the article I read about SMART-1 said they would be imaging the landing "sites".  From what I've read, it doesn't sound like the camera has the resolution necessary to actually make out any "artifacts".

Offline Peyre

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Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2005, 11:05:59 PM »
Quote from: Jirnsum
ESA is currently using SMART-1 to photograph the old Apollo and Soviet landing sites. Might finally put the conspiracy theorists to rest (unless they're going to say NASA forced ESA to fake pictures)

No way man, the ESA was in on it!!  :twisted:

A good serious debunking page is at http://www.badastronomy.com/bad/tv/foxapollo.html.

Offline LunarOrbit

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Re: Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2005, 05:13:08 PM »
I just noticed that this poll has been closed since October 2003 (ever since I transfered from the Ezboard forum to the phpbb forum). I've opened it again so if you've wanted to vote but couldn't now you can.
" We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard..."
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Offline marcthecool

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Re: Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2005, 06:52:18 PM »
Some people believe that the moon landing was fake because of the camera angle. Well, what happens is that there is a camera that comes out of the lander.

Offline LunarOrbit

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Re: Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #38 on: May 17, 2005, 08:17:44 PM »
Yeah, I've had people ask "if Neil Armstrong was the first man on the Moon, who held the camera?" :lol:

Another one I've seen is "who filmed the lift-off of the lunar modules from the Moon?" (the cameras were remote controlled from Houston).

I swear, if people would just give a bit more thought to the hoax claims no one would ever believe them.
" We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard..."
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Offline LEO

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Re: Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #39 on: May 19, 2005, 04:53:27 PM »
I swear, if people would just give a bit more thought to the hoax claims no one would ever believe them.

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Offline Clavius

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Re: Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #40 on: June 13, 2005, 04:24:25 PM »
Sheesh, do people ask who's holding the security camera at the Quickie Mart?

Wake up!

Offline as18cdr

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Re: Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #41 on: June 24, 2005, 04:14:39 PM »
Quite true and it is always somewhat surprising that the HBs have never really taken this into account in their claims.

What is even more surprising is that they do not take into account the pictures returned to Earth by Russian Lunar Probes (Warning:Long load time) all of which share a feature claimed by HBs to be 'proof' that the landings were faked, namely a complete lack of stars :!:

Not only that, but several Soviet lunar probes returned small samples of lunar rock during the 1970s.  Given that the lunar surface samples Apollo found were nothing like what we expected to find on the surface of the Moon, wouldn't the hoax have been instantly exposed when the Soviet lunar samples came back and didn't match the "faked" samples from Apollo?

Offline madmax

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Re: Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #42 on: June 24, 2005, 06:50:02 PM »
Quite true and it is always somewhat surprising that the HBs have never really taken this into account in their claims.

What is even more surprising is that they do not take into account the pictures returned to Earth by Russian Lunar Probes (Warning:Long load time) all of which share a feature claimed by HBs to be 'proof' that the landings were faked, namely a complete lack of stars :!:

Not only that, but several Soviet lunar probes returned small samples of lunar rock during the 1970s. Given that the lunar surface samples Apollo found were nothing like what we expected to find on the surface of the Moon, wouldn't the hoax have been instantly exposed when the Soviet lunar samples came back and didn't match the "faked" samples from Apollo?

I guess they must think the Russians got their fake moon rocks from the same place the U.S. did! :roll:
What me worry?

Offline LunarOrbit

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Re: Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #43 on: June 24, 2005, 08:59:06 PM »
Usually when you point out something like that a hoax believer will say that the Americans and Soviets were both in on the hoax... which kind of defeats the whole purpose of faking the moon landings to begin with.
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Offline tomcat

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Re: Were the Moon landings faked?
« Reply #44 on: August 04, 2005, 12:55:50 PM »
Why would we fake it?

It was a cake walk for a Saturn V!  A lot of fun for the Astronauts.

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