kennedy gave us only 8 years to get there lacking in so much knowledge that was needed to pull it off.
Strangely enough we made it just before the end of the decade with about 6 months to spare. Kind of like an action movie where the hero saves the day just seconds before the bomb is about to explode. Yep, the great Kennedy, the president of the United States, the greatest country on earth, said we would put a man on the moon by the end of the decade and we did. Would we have it any other way?
Now Bush gives us until 2020. Why do we now need 16 years to do what we once did in 8. With our current knowledge and our past "success" coupled with today's technolgy that seems like quite along time. We should be able to do it faster, easier and less expensive then 35 years ago.
I find it ironic that we would propose to go back, just like I predicted a while back when 1st hearing about China's ambition for space. The space race is on again but at a slower pace because China's proposal is roughly around the same time frame.
Why would the US even care if China goes to the moon if we all ready did it? We should be shooting for something even greater like mars. I think it is a backup plan to ensure we keep our title, as when the Chinese go they will debunk our hoax once and for all when they find we were never there. This would obviously rewrite history. I will predict now, publicly, so that there will be no doubt, that when China speeds up their ambition as they will, in their desire to be viewed as the superior country in the world, the US will step up its plan and try to beat them there.