There is a point I wish to make here, though, Don.
One thing that I have noted is that quality research is an accident that happens when you have enough quantity research.
The problem is that we don't really know what research will lead to breakthroughs, and which will just lead to heartbreak. Sure, it may seem like the Sociologist's research paper on "The effect of tofu on obese lesbian depressives in an inuit context" is a load of garbage, but it may just lead to some collateral insights that totally revolutionise the way we see depression.
On the other hand, my sister in law did her PhD on the eminently reasonable topic of "Can you find a method to clinically age bruises?", and found the result of her three years (or so) of hard labour was a resounding "Nope!"
Yes, NIAC and co's ideas might be nonsense . The question is, if they throw enough dollars at it, might it lead to something amazing?