Who can be late for their party one person or a group.
That which swarms and multiples...................
George W. Lucas I know people in San Francisco think it's their story. The University I attended found city it was in thought it was some of their doing. I got told in 1998 there that the people that did it were dead. So they were going to claim it. By fall they chased me off. And facing a winter to cold to stay out I went back. Nobody told me I could come back when it was too cold so the following year I was out till it was under 10 degrees F the following year. They tore down my hiden double walled cardboard sleeping room. (2.5 ft x 2.5 x 6 ft) They told me to go back to the mission.
I ended up with nerve damage in my feet. Next to the door. No said I could come back of course they didn't then.
They pretended many things. If someone thought they could do the same because they were just screwing me over they did.
So here I am.
Some one in San Francisco said I should be given to you as persent. Just for there trying trying to get something out of you George W. Lucas.
Due in fact to that tehy believed you were helped with the story. Or the story is just the excuse they need to try to get something.
I am still in better health than you are. My back is going but I can still stand up straight. I need to lay down of lean on something to make it through the day.
I should be in court against you just to say that I believe I am od something but nothing directly do to you has been my worst problem.
For that reason you and I will never meet.
I am down to groups that have tried to be "Blessed by me by saying their method of screwing around with me was better than my way which must have been the JEDI way of getting what they wanted.
An epic length poem 7 words to a verse about how I can to be able to rhyme in 11 syllables verse, 11 pentameter. I am now adding what I was adding before I added that.
http://www.rhyme-verse-poems-poetry-with-a.0catch.com/poem-pentameter.htmlBob L. Petersen
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. What we can ignore while wanting the best makes us.
No, I just wanted to.
Excuse me I am going to start the machine.
George W. Lucas
Bob L. Petersen
George W. Lucas
Bob L. Petersen
George W. Lucas
Some knew in San Francisco that I had a web site just for storing the vertical engine test drawings. That I never got to draw in blank.
I would have had a flame coming out of it about another 100 ft on top of it's 40 ft.
I would like to construct my plane somewhere deserted along the coast and still leave. To work out in space for the rest of my life.
Bob L. Petersen
George W. Lucas
That which swarms and multiples...................
And thus began war of the worlds