Hmmmm- one more reason for me to get a broadband connection once my car loan is paid off

(Don, I know they're touchy about copyright infringement over there, but giving a link without posting images shouldn't be a problem. Maybe they've got some kind of fued going with msnbc.)
Shows what an old fogie I am- when I saw "Photosynth" in your subject line I thought it had to do with life support systems.

on Edit: Just went cruising over there, Don- and I see what happened.... they merged your post into the 'Microsoft 3-D' topic under 'Live News Feed.' Their moderation doesn't seem logical sometimes- but it's their sandbox. Same thing happened to me a few months back when they had Mike Cassutt on talking about his writing projects. There was mention of the old Air Force MOL- and I tried to start a new MOL thread under 'History' but they kept putting it back under the Cassutt thread. Finally I kidded Mike that I guess they were committing him to write the MOL history after all.

He was saying, strangely enough, that LOTS of the MOL stuff is STILL classified after all these years, and not likely to be opened soon- so any written history would be incomplete.
(nice that we can thread-drift like this over here at 'home base,' isn't it?)