Author Topic: Space World - Photosynth  (Read 21396 times)

Offline DonPMitchell

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Space World - Photosynth
« on: August 06, 2007, 06:20:29 PM »
This is way cool:  If you're running XP or Vista, you can fly around and view several Shuttle sites in an interesting new way.

Here is a talk about Photosynth and Seadragon, the underlying technology, at the TED conference:
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Offline LunarOrbit

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Re: Space World - Photosynth
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2007, 06:49:53 PM »
That's really cool. I'd like to see them do that with the Apollo landing site images.
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Offline DonPMitchell

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Re: Space World - Photosynth
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2007, 07:28:41 PM »
That reminds me, they have build some Photosynth databases using MER lander photos.

If you look at the TED talk, they did a query on Flick for some cathedral in Europe, and just dumped all those images into the mix, and it sorted them out and built a scene automatically.  So I guess they could take all the raw MER images from various cameras and do the same.  I'm looking forward to seeing that!

I posted this on and my message was deleted immediately.  What's with them?

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Offline spacecat27

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Re: Space World - Photosynth
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2007, 10:41:09 PM »
Hmmmm- one more reason for me to get a broadband connection once my car loan is paid off :)

(Don, I know they're touchy about copyright infringement over there, but giving a link without posting images shouldn't be a problem.  Maybe they've got some kind of fued going with msnbc.)

Shows what an old fogie I am- when I saw "Photosynth" in your subject line I thought it had to do with life support systems.  :?

on Edit:  Just went cruising over there, Don- and I see what happened.... they merged your post into the 'Microsoft 3-D' topic under 'Live News Feed.'  Their moderation doesn't seem logical sometimes- but it's their sandbox.  Same thing happened to me a few months back when they had Mike Cassutt on talking about his writing projects.  There was mention of the old Air Force MOL- and I tried to start a new MOL thread under 'History' but they kept putting it back under the Cassutt thread.  Finally I kidded Mike that I guess they were committing him to write the MOL history after all.   :lol:
He was saying, strangely enough, that LOTS of the MOL stuff is STILL classified after all these years, and not likely to be opened soon- so any written history would be incomplete.
(nice that we can thread-drift like this over here at 'home base,' isn't it?)   :yoda:

« Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 11:59:29 PM by spacecat27 »