Crap! Looked on Astronautix and look what I find:
1960 October 10 - 14:27 GMT - Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: LC1. Launch Pad: LC1. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78. Model: Molniya 8K78. LV Configuration: Molniya 8K78 L1-4M. FAILURE: At T+300.9 sec, the launcher went out of control and the destruct command was given at T+324.2 sec - the engine of Stage 3 cut off after 13.32 s of burning.
Mars probe 1M s/n 1 failure. Nation: USSR. Program: Mars. Payload: 1M s/n 1. Mass: 640 kg (1,410 lb). Class: Planetary. Type: Mars. Spacecraft: Mars 1M. Agency: RVSN. COSPAR: F601010A. Decay Date: 1960-10-10. This was the Soviet Union's first attempt at a planetary probe. Mars probe intended to photograph Mars on a flyby trajectory. The possible cause lay in resonance vibrations of upper stages during Stage 2 burning, which led to break of contact in the command potentiometer of the gyrohorizon. As a result a pitch control malfunctioned and the launcher began to veer off the desired ascent profile. On exceeding 7 degrees of veering in pitch, the control system failed. The upper stage with the payload reached an altitude of 120 km before burning up on re-entry into the atmosphere above East Siberia.References: 5, 64, 65, 118, 296.