Just putting out a feeler here.
Wondering if anyone shares my interest in military history. <p>[img width= height=]http://www.thespacerace.com/canflag.jpg[/img]</p>
Military history is fascinating. Wars, as horrible as they are in some respects, shape our world.
The winner's culture is perpetuated and this includes his science. The Germans won Europe, in WWII, using 'lightening warfare', the blitzkrieg. Today it is regarded as standard strategy. Later, the Inchon landing by the United States in the Korean War taught us to isolate enemy units by cutting off command and control, as well as supplies, by attacking the rear.
The Saturn V was the outgrowth of the German V-2. Even though the German's lost WWII, their science gave them early successes and was copied by the Allies.
So, dispite the cultural clashes that precipitate the war, despite the horribleness of war, wars do shape the future, both technilogically as well as culturally.
Lately war has taken new shape. The supremacy of American power has resulted in clandestine war, a faceless enemy. American cities are bombed, but who did it? Nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare used in nonconventional ways, rendering America's 6 trillion dollar investment in the atomic energy program null. But make no mistake about it this is war every bit as real as WWII.
We must rise to this new kind of warfare just as we did to the 'blitzkrieg' of the Germans. We must overcome it with science and technology just as futuristic as the large bombers and huge artillery were in WWII. We must prevail and move into Outerspace where new challenges await.