Does U in this graph means Uranium 308? or does it mean something else. Can either yourself or Joshus verify that?
I don't know what 308 means but since it is 70 AMU larger than U238 it can't be a uranium isotope.
For a breeder reactor Thorium is a more abundant fuel since neutron bombardment can turn it to U233 which is fissionable.
As far as suplies go:
1 most companies stop investing in exploration when they have found enough for the present and immediate futcher.
2 Ore is understood to mean, minerals from which it is economically reasonable to obtain suplies. This means that what is defined as ore can change. Gold is now mined from the tilings of old abandoned Gold mines. It is now economical due to the fact that most "high grade" ores are gone, and refining technologies have improved. Ruby is a form of aluminum oxide but it would be crazy to call it aluminum ore.
As fare as fusion goes. It will be cleaner than fission, and since deuterium is found in water at a nearly constant concentration, rather than in various concentrations, in various minerals with various distributions, AND since we know the size of the oceans we have a good lower bound of the available resource. If I remember millions of years supply at present levels of energy demand.
But, Fusion will require much more work before it becomes practical. Breeder reactors provide a proved technology capable of suppling us for thousands of years. As the proverb goes, A bird in hand is worth more than two in the bush.