SM, I wrote the following in response to your reply #25 before seeing your reply #28. Some of this may no longer be applicable. I’ll read your new data and then comment accordingly.
Combined First stage
Moi = 5013811
Mfi = 1869192.955
Okay, I see what you did here. It looks like you used the dry mass of 136,800 kg for the first stage. I would have used the burnout mass of 146,000 kg. The difference is the unuseable propellant remaining in the tanks at burnout. I calculate a slightly different Mfi but the difference is insignificant – only a couple hundred kilograms.
RS-68 stage (1 1/2 Stage)
Moi = 1467788.955
Mfi = 571331
Using your initial assumptions, I agree with these numbers.
Ci = 11061.63
Something isn’t right with your value of Ci because it’s way too high. If we use the data posted in my reply #23 I get,
Ci = (11,561,000*4 + 2,891,000*5) / (4912.2*4 + 816.4*5) = 2,557.8 m/s sea level
Ci = (12,785,000*4 + 3,314,000*5) / (4912.2*4 + 816.4*5) = 2,853.3 m/s vacuum
We’re at sea level for launch but by burnout we’re in essentially a vacuum. I think you’ll get pretty close by averaging the sea level and vacuum values.
Delta-V 10914.39464
This is correct for the Ci you used, but it will of course have to be recalculated for the new Ci.
Ci = 3541.64
This is the correct sea level value for the RS-68, but I think you need to use the vacuum value. By this point in the flight we’ve risen above the bulk of the atmosphere and are in a near vacuum.
Delta-V 3341.69214
Correct for your Ci value, but probably should be adjusted for the vacuum value.