Everyone knows it was impossible to land on the moon
After finishing reading your great article, I am still NOT convinced by your various viewpoints. I think the greatest challenges for the journey to the moon is neither safe launching nor moon orbitting. We all agree that U.S. had technologies successfully launching space rockets into space and making them on the way to the moon in 1960s. The greatest challenges are how to make safe landing on the moon and returning to earth. As spacecraft orbits the moon, it must keep awesome high speed ; then, the landing module is dropped with such awesome high speed. Note the moon has no atmosphere, there's no way opening parachutes to reduce gravity impact unless the U.S. had secretly owned some sorts of unseen anti-gravity technologies. Without these technologies, any landing attempt will result in crashes. The landing module has virtually no power or very little power. Even after landing, that also makes it impossible to self-lift from the moon surface, again precisely track the spacecraft on the moon orbit, then finally dock it successfully. Unless mankinds acquire anti-gravity devices ( perhaps from intelligence aliens ), I doubt it is always impossible for the moon landing.