Author Topic: buzz aldrins race into space  (Read 23712 times)

Offline dave2hosford

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buzz aldrins race into space
« on: June 01, 2006, 11:44:09 AM »
Dave's hints for Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space.
These are the minimum sized modules you need to be successfull.
The Game ENDs after the launches in Fall of 1977

Mission TYPE List 1 - 56  Mission Descriptions on Page 40 - 41

Mission Type 7 Lunar Flyby (all other flybys use the same modules)
   Titan or larger

Mission Type 8 Lunar Probe Landing
   Titan or larger
   Surveyor Probe

Mission Type 14 Manned Orbital Docking
   Nova/ALL (except Mercury and Jupiter)
   docking module
   a Primary and Backup crew

Mission Type 16 Joint Manned Orbital Docking
   docking module
   ALL rockets

   AtlasB or larger rocket
   a Primary and Backup crew
Mission Type 17 Manned Orbital Docking (Orbit)
   FIRST MISSION in season, spring/fall
   Unmanned docking mission (Single or Joint)   
   This first mission gets the docking module into orbit before    second mission, you can then ignore
   the warningyou will get when launching the second mission about a    docking module not being in space.
   SECOND MISSION in same season as above
   Manned Orbital Docking (ORBIT)
Use   Same as Mission Type 14 Manned Orbital Docking
   a Primary and Backup crew

Mission Type 19 Manned Orbitals Docking
   Same as Mission Type 14 Manned Orbital Docking
   a Primary and Backup crew

Use   Same as Mission Type 14 Manned Orbital Docking
   and a Primary and Backup crew
      no docking module
   For Apollo and XMS-2 need only Titan
   rockets or higher.

Mission Type 20 Manned Orbital Docking Eva
   Same as Mission Type 14 Manned Orbital Docking
   make sure you have an EVA suit researched up.

Mission Type 21 Joint Manned Orbital Docking Eva
   docking module
   ALL rockets

   AtlasB or larger rocket
   a Primary and Backup crew
   Eva suit Researched up

Mission Type 22 Joint Manned Orbitals Docking Eva
   Same as Mission Type 14 Manned Orbital Docking
   a Primary and Backup crew
   Eva suit Researched up

Use   Same as Mission Type 14 Manned Orbital Docking
   and a Primary and Backup crew
   Eva suit Researched up
      no docking module
   For Apollo and XMS-2 need only Titan
   rockets or higher.

Mission Type 23 Joint Manned Orbitals Docking Joint EVA
   Same as Mission Type 14 Manned Orbital Docking
   a Primary and Backup crew
   Eva suit Researched up

Use   Same as Mission Type 14 Manned Orbital Docking
   and a Primary and Backup crew
   Eva suit Researched up
      no docking module
   For Apollo and XMS-2 need only Titan
   rockets or higher.

Mission Type 24 Manned Orbital Docking (ORBIT) EVA
   FIRST MISSION in season, spring/fall
   Unmanned docking mission (Single or Joint)
   This first mission gets the docking module into orbit       before second mission, you can then ignore
    the warningyou will get when launching the second    mission about a docking module not being in space.
   SECOND MISSION in same season as above
   Manned Orbital Docking (ORBIT)
Use   Same as Mission Type 14 Manned Orbital Docking
   a Primary and Backup crew
   EVA suit Researched up

Mission Type 25 Manned Orbital Duration 3 - 5 days = Duration B
   Atlas/Mercury is best because its the last mission type you can do
   with a Mercury, you can do a duration B with any Crew Module though.
   a Primary and Backup crew

Mission Type 32 Joint Manned Orbiting LAB
   Same as Mission Type 14 Manned Orbital Docking
   a Primary and Backup crew

Use   Same as Mission Type 14 Manned Orbital Docking
   and a Primary and Backup crew
      no docking module
   For Apollo and XMS-2 need only Titan
   rockets or higher.

Mission Type 38 Manned Earth Orbital LM Test
   TitanB or higher
   Docking module

   Apollo/Cricket or Eagle
   Saturn V or higher
   (No Docking module needed for some reason)   

   XMS-2/Cricket or Eagle
   SaturnV B or higher
   Docking module

Mission Type 39 Joint Manned Earth Orbital LM Test
   Docking module
   AtlasB or larger
   AtlasB or larger
   Docking module
   TitanB or larger      

   Gemini/AtlasB or larger
   Apollo/AtlasB or larger

   XMS-2/AtlasB or larger

Mission Type 43 Manned Lunar Pass (6 - 7 days duration C)
   Titan or larger/Gemini
   Kicker A
   TitanB or larger/Gemini
   Kicker B
   TitanB or larger/Apollo
   TitanB or larger/XMS-2
   Kicker A or kicker B

Mission Type 44 Joint Manned Lunar Pass :EOR
   Docking module
   Atlas or larger
   Docking module
   Atlas or larger

   Docking module
   Atlas or larger

   Titan or larger/Gemini module with Kicker A   
   TitanB or larger/Gemini module with Kicker B

   TitanB or larger/Apollo module
   TitanB or larger/XMS-2 module with Kicker A or B
Mission Type 46 Manned Lunar Orbital (8 - 12 days duration D)
   Titan or higher/Gemini with Kicker A
   TitanB or higher/Gemini with Kicker B
   TitanB or higher/Apollo

   TitanB or higher/XMS-2 with Kicker A or B

Mission Type 47 Manned Lunar Orbital :EOR (8 - 12 days duration D)
   Docking Mod
   Atlas or larger

   Docking Mod
   Atlas or larger
   Docking module
   Atlas or larger

   Titan or larger/Gemini with Kicker A
   TitanB or larger/Gemini with Kicker B
   TitanB or larger/Apollo

   TitanB or larger/XMS-2 with Kicker A or B
Mission Type 48 Manned Lunar Orbital LM Test (8 - 12 day duration D)
   Saturn V or larger/Gemini
   Kicker B
   Docking mod

   Saturn V or larger/Apollo
   Cricket or Eagle
   Saturn V B or larger/XMS-2
   Kicker B
   Cricket or Eagle
   Docking mod

Mission Type 49 Joint Manned Lunar Orbital LM Test :LOR (8 - 12 day duration D)
   TitanB or larger
   Kicker A or B
   Docking Mod

   TitanB or larger
   Kicker A or B
   Cricket or Eagle
   TitanB or larger
   Kicker A or B
   Cricket or Eagle
   Docking Mod

   Titan or larger/Gemini with Kicker A
   TitanB or larger/Gemini with Kicker B
   TitanB or larger/Apollo

   TitanB or larger
   Kicker A or B

Mission Type 52 Joint Lunar Orbital LM Test : EOR/LOR (8 - 12 day duration D)

   Titan or larger
   Docking Mod
   Titan or larger
   Cricket or Eagle

   Titan or larger (NOTE: Titan rocket shows red but it still works)
   Docking Mod

   Titan or larger/Gemini

   TitanB or larger/Apollo

   Titan or larger/XMS-2

Mission Type 53 Historical Manned Lunar Landing (8 - 12 day duration D)
   Saturn V or larger/Gemini
   Kicker B
   Docking Mod

   Saturn V or larger/Apollo
   Cricket or Eagle
   Saturn V B /XMS-2
   Kicker B
   Cricket or Eagle
   Docking Mod

Mission Type 54 Direct Ascent Lunar Landing (8 - 12 day duration D)
   Note: I think you have to have docking safety up even though you wont need a DM

Mission Type 55 Joint Lunar Landing :EOR (8 - 12 day duration D)
   Titan or larger
   Docking Mod
   Cricket or Eagle
   Titan or larger
   TitanB or larger
   Cricket or Eagle
   Docking Mod

   Titan/Gemini with Kicker A
   TitanB/Gemini with Kicker B         

   TitanB or larger/Apollo
   TitanB or larger/XMS-2
   Kicker A or B
Mission Type 56 Joint Lunar Landing :LOR
   TitanB or larger
   Kicker A or B
   Docking Mod
   TitanB or larger
   Kicker A or B
   Cricket or Eagle

   TitanB or larger
   Kicker A or B
   Cricket or Eagle
   Docking Mod
   Titan or larger/Gemini with Kicker A
   TitanB or larger/Gemini with Kicker B

   TitanB or larger/Apollo

   TitanB or larger/XMS-2
   Kicker A or B

Buzz Aldrins Race into Space
Astronaut list
USA         RUSSIA
Grissom      7   Gulyayev      7
Shepard      6   Gagarin      7
Glenn       4   Titov      6
Carpenter      4   Nikolayev      8
Schirra      6   Popovich      9
Cooper      8   Bykovsky      11
Slayton      7   Komorov      7
Cox      8   Bondarenko   7
Walker      5   Denim      3
Wood      5   Zudov      6
Rogers      6   Rozhdestvensky   4
Allison      6   Ponomarera   8
Cagle      10   Beligrovo      4
Cobb      7   Kuzinetsova   6
Young      11   Yegrov      7
Mcdivitt      6   Feokistov      8
White      9   Belyayev      7
Conrad      10   Leonov      12
Stafford      9   Beregovi      6
Borman      6   Shatalov      11
Lovell      11   Volynov      8
Armstrong   10   Yeliseyev      10
See      11   Khrunov      7
Knight      6   Sarafanov   5
Crews      9   Guberev      8
Givens      7   Aksyonov      7
Kelly      9   Glazkov      8
Joyce      9   Ryumin      8
Matthews      9   Dzhanibekov   11
Lousma      9   Lyakhov      8
Verrne      9   Popov      10
Peters      9   Kizim      12
J. Dietrich   7   Tereshkova   3
M. Dietrich   8   Volkinski      7
Hart      7   Renkomorov   6
Graveline      7   Shonin      7
Cernan      12   Kubasov      7
Basset      10   Volkov      8
Scott      6   Filipchenko   8
Collins      9   Gorbatko      7
Chaffee      9   Sevastyanov   9
Gordon      8   Rukaishnikov   8
Aldrin      12   Dobrovolsky   5
Eisele      5   Patsayev      5
Cunningham   5   Lazarev      6
Anders      5   Makarov      9
Schweickart   8   Klimuk      11
Williams      7   Lebedev      6
Covert      6   Artyukin      9
Swigert      5   Grechko      10
Haise      8   Zholobov      7
Roosa      5   Kovalyonok   8
Mitchell      7   Ivanchenkov   9
Worden      5   Malyshev      6
Irwin      6   Alexandrov   7
Beeson      7   Ivanova      6
Moore      6   Savitskaya   8
Roland      8   Pilmov      5
Brand      8   Andreyev      5
Bean      8   Anokhni      5
Bull      7   Giazkov      5
Carr      9   Illarionov      7
Duke      8   Solovyev      7
Engle      9   Lebedev      10
Evans      6   Serebrov      10
Freeman      7   Berezovoi   11
Ellis      8   Gurragacha   9
Kerwin      9   Savinykh      8
Gibson      7   Steekalov      9
Garriot      8   Viktorenko   8
Mattingly      7   Atkov      10
England      6   Volk      9
Pogue      6   Ivanov      10
Schmitt      6   Remekou      10
Weitz      8   Vasyutin      9
Michel      6   Leveikin      7
Lind      8   Jaehn      7
James      7   Tuan      5
Crippen      10   Volishiw      9
Fullerton      8   Kolessniicov   4
Hartsfield      5   Belousov      6
Overmeyer   8   Voronov      8
Peterson      6   Yazdovsky   5
Truly      10   Zykov      8
Mckay      9   Matinchenko   6
Gentry      6   Zaikin      7
Adams      7   Varlarmov   7
Finley      7   Kartashov      4
Abrahamson   7   Fastovets      10
Lawyer      7   Shchukin      13
Lawrence      7   Boroday      9
Macleay      7   Bachurin      13
Henderson   6   Stankavichyus   10
Neubeck      7   Kononenko   9
Bobko      6   Nelyubv      4
Herres      8   Rafikov      5
Taylor      9   Anikeyev      5
Anderson      8   Filateev      3
Rogue      7   Butenko      6
Buchard      7   Muraviov      8
Kowato      8   Ozoga      7
Ferguson      5   Lazovich      7
Rushworth   10   Dobrynin      6
Dana      8   Romanov      4
Thompson   8   Bekelov      6
Kincheloe   7   Yurimanko   5

When recruiting nauts choose the ones withthe most points these are the highest skilled ones that are more successfull.

Previous post timed out and I lost it. :(
Basically ive been playing BARIS for 15years+ on an old aptiva p233 currently.

I love this game.
      Sincerely Dave Hosford

Offline Satanic Mechanic

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Re: buzz aldrins race into space
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2006, 01:50:13 PM »
Welcome to the board Dave.  Also welcome to the BARIS addicts forum.  You will notice that we already have a thread dedicated to BARIS here:
It is the oldest and longest message thread on this board.  You should add your strategies and observations there.


Offline ijuin

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Re: buzz aldrins race into space
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2006, 12:37:20 PM »
My own high-risk-high-return method for getting to the Moon as early as possible is a variant of the "Glorious One-Cosmonaut-on-the-Moon" proposal from the BARIS Companion.

Spring 1957:
Schedule an Orbital Satellite mission for Fall.

Fall 1957:
Launch the Orbital Satellite. Yes, the Atlas/A-series will have a reliability of only about 50 at this point, but getting the 12 points from it is necessary for the rest of the plan since you will need the budget increase from it right away.

Spring 1958:
Recruit your first batch of Astronauts/Cosmonauts, and purchase the Gemini/Voskhod. We are skipping the Mercury/Vostok in this plan and saving the 50 MB's that would have been spent on it--in the long run, the missions carried out by the one-man capsule will be covered by two two-man missions at an extra cost of about 12-15 MB's over the one-man missions, for a gross savings of about 35 MB's, plus the two-man capsule will be ready sooner.

Fall 1958: Withdraw four Astronauts/Cosmonauts from Basic Training and assign them to Gemini/Voskhod crews. We will be trying for a Fall 1959 launch. Continue R&D on Gemini/Voskhod--you should give it the full 10 MB's, and if funds are short, then cut back on the R&D on the Atlas/A-series.

Spring 1959: Make sure that Atlas/A-series is above 75 reliability (research if need be), and purchase the Boosters (the 75 reliability on Atlas/A-series gives you a 20% bonus on the Boosters' initial level). Continue research on Gemini/Voskhod and Boosters. Schedule a Manned Earth Orbital for Fall.

Fall 1959: Continue research on all hardware. Gemini should be near its Max R&D by now--if it is below 75 you should scrub the Earth Orbital and reschedule it for the next season. The Boosters will be below 70, but don't worry about that--combining them with the Atlas/A-series will raise the reliability above 75. If all is well, launch your Manned Earth Orbital mission.

Spring 1960: Assuming that the mission went well, schedule a Duration B mission for the Fall. Research your curent programs to their Max R&D value (only the Boosters should fall short of their Max at this point). IIRC, you can and should recruit your second group of Astronauts/Cosmonauts at this point. Purchase the EVA Suits and Docking Module programs, and start researching the EVA Suits.

Fall 1960: Launch your Duration B mission.

Spring 1961: Schedule a Duration C + EVA mission for Fall--EVA suit reliability should be acceptable by the time the mission launches, otherwise downgrade it to a Duration C and tack the EVA onto the next manned mission. Purchase the Ranger/Cosmos probe and begin researching it. If you are playing USSR or playing with the Basic model, you should also purchase a second launch pad and start launching unmanned orbital docking missions as often as your budget allows. If you are playing USA in the Historical model, then the Atlas with Boosters will not be able to launch the Gemini with a docking module. In this case, if your budget allows for it, purchase the third launch pad so that you can perform joint dockings (at the cost of an extra Atlas per mission--still cheaper per mission than the Titan/Boosters launch).

Fall 1961: Launch your Duration C mission. If your budget allows for it, purchase the Surveryor/Luna lander and begin researching it.

Spring 1962: Purchase and begin researching the Titan/Proton (and if you did not do so the previous year, the Surveyor/Luna). Schedule a Duration D mission for Fall.

Fall 1952: Launch your Duration D mission. Schedule a Lunar Flyby for Spring.

Spring 1963: Schedule a Lunar Probe Landing for Fall. Purchase and begin researching the Kricket/L-3 lander. Launch your Lunar Flyby.

Fall 1963: Launch your Lunar Probe Landing. Schedule a second Lunar Probe Landing for Spring.

Spring 1964: Launch your second Lunar Probe Landing--this will bring your Photo Recon up to 90%. Schedule a Manned Docking for Fall. Purchase and begin researching the Kicker-B.

Fall 1964: Launch your Manned Docking. Schedule a Manned Lunar Pass and Joint Manned Lunar Orbital LM Test (EOR) for Spring--this will take up all three launch pads.

Spring 1965: Launch your Manned Lunar Pass and Jt. Lunar Orbital LM Test EOR. Shedule your Joint Manned Lunar Landing (EOR) for Fall.

Fall 1965: Launch your Joint Manned Lunar Landing EOR. Congratulations! You have just completed the fast-track to a lunar landing! Some extra risk-taking and budget and event card luck might allow you to complete this path as much as two seasons earlier, but doing so without heavy use of the save-and-reload method is highly improbable.

Now, if you are not looking for a super-early landing, you can decompress this timeline, letting your Manned Orbital slip to 1961 and landing on the Moon in 1967-8. If you do that, you will have time to grab a few extra missions for more points, such as Venus, Mars, and Mercury flybys, the Duration E mission, and the Joint Manned Orbiting Lab (speaking of which, the Jt. Manned Orbitals mission type--basically the historical Gemini 6/7 with docking added--really ought to have been worth 8/4 points instead of getting no bonus).