Bush was obviously just joking. I'm not very happy with Bush's performance, but I think he's basically an emotionally stable good-old-boy. Which is not the worst type of man to make leader.
Totalitarianism has never worked. Historically, very defective narcissistic people end up in these positions (Pol Pot, Joe Stalin, Adolf Hitler), and they make poor decisions. Societies that have strict hierarchies of control have great difficulty with excellence and innovaction. One of the reasons that American/Anglo cultures have done so well is their tradition of individualism, and the ability of people to question their leadership -- not just on a political level, but in the workplace. I know folks who work in China, for example -- huge problem there is that an organization is limited by how smart its boss is. If the boss is an idiot, the whole department is lost, because it is unthinkable for anyone to correct his mistakes or challenges his position. This was a also a disadvantage in Germany during WWII, not just from the inefficency and burocracy of fascism, but the whole tradition of class hierarchy, where nobody can question the opinion of Herr Professor Uber Doktor. Even the Roman emperors were incompetant, and their fearfullness and focus on staying in power caused the end of Rome's expansion and prosperity, and a long slide from a warrior nation into a useless welfare state.