You'd better hope that Harpers's guys are nothing like Mulroney's . . . that guy was directly responsible for the destruction of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, which proceeded to give the Liberals free wins for the next 13 years. Plus, Mulroney gave us the "much loved" GST
I think Harper will try to distance himself from that legacy but I cannot bring myself to trust a Conservative majority government.
Here's a westerner's point of view. (Gawd, first post and I'm already arguing politics
*shrug*) What is so misunderstood about the GST was that the WTO degreed in a number of rulings that Canada's hidden Manufacturers Tax was an unfair tax that did not conform with WTO member state status and was judged unfair. Canada was told by the WTO that we would not be allowed to join into the next round of world trade talks unless the tax was eliminated and replaced with a value added tax. Thus was born the GST.
Whene Cretchin (damn, I can never spell his name right!) campaigned on the promise that he would eliminate the GST, he knew he could not eliminate it or he would face the wraith of the WTO. He knew it as he was campaigning. He knew it when he put it in his blue book. And sure enough, when he got elected, he did nothing about it. Of course, Cretchin lied about many things, but this comment about the GST just needed to be made.
While I am not a big fan of Brian Mulroney, in that I disagree with the way that he changed Canada's debt load, Canada was well on its way to prosperity after 16 years of Liberal mismanagement under Trudeau. The Conservatives inherited the largest debt ever seen, and spent the first 8 years of thier mandate trying to get out from under it. During their reign they successfully defeated a referendum vote in Quebec by a wide margin, got us accepted in the WTO, penned the NAFTA, assured us greatly opened access to the largest market in the world while at the same time keeping Canada's name well respected in the rest of the world.
Cretchin lied (&lied &lied), made massive patronage appointments and created huge scandals, (in)directly stole hundred of millions of dollars andwasted hundreds of millions more, foisted the gun resgistry on us (another $1.3 billion wasted), alienated our biggest trading partner, sullied Canada's reputation around the world, turned the PMO into a near dictatorship, very nearly lost the 2nd Quebec referendum, alienated the western provinces and was in power during the time when Canadian citizens got to experience the joy of having the highest per capita tax abd debt load of any industrialized nation in the world. His economic policies were essentially to continue the work already done by the Progressive Conservatives before him. He cancelled a helicopter deal that cost Canadian tax payers $400,000,000, leaving us with the outdated Sea Kings, then turned around and purchased an inferior helicoptor to what the Mulroney government already had in the works for $1,500,000,000 more than the original contract.
I could go on. Turner became captain of a ship that was already listing and nearly sunk, and all Gomrey did was toss the bailing bucket overboard. I don't know yet if Harper is the answer, but he is head and shoulders better than the Crechtin/Turner government before him.