Hey Guys,
Well, what can I say.
Forgive me, excuse my misguided intentions or misinterpreted reasoning and explanations. It was never directed towards the members themselves, but I have learned a lot about all of you in the process. And it has appeared that maybe you who have spent so much time and effort in these replies, haven't gotten out to be involved with the things I've found more common among others who'd enjoy long, holiday weekends.
It was all worthy of a good card game I suppose. Calling each other's hand. Playing one's strategy. Trying to find a common ground and getting something out of it all. Just trying to get to the heart of the matter and understanding the purpose of it all, relative or not.
Above everything else, some of you have demonstrated a loyalty to this website I find a bit disturbing. I was no threat to anyone, yet as you wrote your postings, had expressed personal insult and made me felt that I was a snob. When just trying to add comment, dig a little deeper into the subject and finding out anything useful to learn on one subject. Never did I want to disrupt the harmony and security of a certain few.
But in all honesty. I believe I have done so.
All and all though, please realize this fact.
Since having to experience the Internet environment since the turn of the century, then maybe some of you can understand what deception there is being represented by the founders and said members of so many given websites... even those who claim to be professionally grounded and based upon their given subject experiences.
I have been exposed and have turned over my share of false presentations and individuals who only live their lives through these many websites, almost to the point of such personality obsession that it becomes a major concern of their very lives, or so it had seemed.
That was my hope, that this website had not fallen into such a temptation and become so bias towards others' expressions of reasoning. That's the time when the misssion goes beyond the message as some evangelical circles of thinking. Amen.
Geeze, was I preaching THAT much. Again, I apologize for being so forward and just was stating my case as well along with yours and too... standing my ground, only being human. I don't have to say I'm sorry for being just human and yes I made mistakes in judgement. Trusting later, that you'd understand.
But the reality is, I think some of your members aren't being truthful to one another and that is nothing new. It may be hard to determine who's who when one will never have any physical or personal encounters with a fellow member. We all have to trust that what we disclose to one another is the truth and we are not misrepresenting ourselves.
Gentlemen, I have been burned in the past on the Internet, and learned things may not appear to be as they are after all. I have become to be too cautious and critical in my methods of communication. Forgive me for such methods of examination and trying to determine a path of such reasoning as I do.
I've said enough. (I'll bet you're all laughing at that one!) Can we move on?
Thanks for reading.