Hey there people

I was having a good laugh, sputtering my morning coffee through my teeth.
Must thank you and appreciate all of the last, brief comments you made and confirmed what I had been wondering about when it came to some of the member's attitudes and paths of thinking.
Easy guys. I was making some quips as to WHY this particular thread has digressed from one side to another from what everyone has offered as criticism and opinion concerning such an encounter, by a confused and assertive individual as to attack one's profession and integrity. That being, a self proclaimed reporter/journalist (or whoever he may represent) against a well-seasoned ex-astronaut and scientist. It had seemed as long winded as I am. The thread, that is, in comparison.
Never inmtended to 'confuse' anyone by my statements or maybe, embellished (so it seemed by a few), explanations. This is my way of trying to come across for those who may appreciate some variety in correpsondence... something above the 8th grade.
Please forgive me for this, as I must confess with all my heart... that I am a writer of sorts and ever since logging on to the Internet some half-dozen years ago, I take advantage of building my writing skills as someone would going for a morning jog to keep in shape. Never meant to use any of you as pawns in such a game of chess, but more over, using the Internet to stimulate my brain at the same time.
Just that (allow me to go on) if we're not here for enlightenment, in its many various meanings... then we are stubborn in our intentions of any further learning of the truths we appear to be seeking. Be it of the understanding of humankind and its behavior (mentioned in these latest comments here from all of you), the encounter between a novice zealot and experienced professional, or the quality of scholastic system applications.
It was just a matter of organization and where to make futher comments which apply to the subjectmattter, rather than going on, off from the understood forum intent. (Not to imply I'm trying to be a polititian or lawyer... but one who enjoys writing and having a heart of a designer and who has done so in the past.)
Sibrel's astronaut encounters. Fact or Fiction. Special Interest.
I've been enlightened by your very comments. And yes, bring on the colorful language. I love a good laugh now and then. Like now.
Just trying to help.