I don't think that you can really draw a clean liberal/conservative line when it comes to support for the space program. Personally , I'm several steps to the left of "liberal", and a huge supporter of space exploration, manned and unmanned.
I think that the main "liberal" objections to the space program have to do with funding for unmet domestic needs (and there are a LOT of them), and a reluctance to funnel more taxpayer money at many of the same contractors who comprise the "Military-Industrial Complex". But many of us on the left also understand and value the many tangible benefits of space exploration, both in the required technologies that can help with problems here on earth, and as a platform for international cooperation. All in all, the NASA budget is a drop in the bucket compared to, (and provides a MUCH higher ROI than) say, the money being spent on the Iraq war.
On the other hand, have you ever noticed how many of the "Moon Hoax" morons are from the right side of the aisle? It is the CONSERVATIVES (particularly the "religious right") who seem to have an outward hostility toward science in general, and anything that might reveal the mysteries of the universe in particular. Between the fundie Xtians (Bart Sibrel, anyone?) who are afraid that manned exploration of space is somehow contradictory of the Bible, or the twits trying to teach religion in HS biology classes, the anti-intellectuals of the right are no friends to NASA or scientific exploration of any type.