At 38, I don't fit into EITHER of the 2 groups...go figure.

I do remember my parents propping me in front of the TV to watch the Apollo 11 EVA. They figured that it was a historic moment that I should witness, but they weren't big fans of the space program, or science/technology in general. I have only hazy memories of the rest of Apollo, as my parents lost interest along with the rest of the country.

I do remember when ASTP was all over the news, as well as Skylab.
Something must have clicked, though, as I was always fascinated with science and technology for as long as I can remember. I was the kid who would haul home discarded TV sets and cannibalize the parts to build all kinds of other stuff. I remember the early space shuttle program very well, and was sitting in my HS electronics class watching the STS-51L launch with a couple of other people who actually cared to see it. The shop was the only room with TV, so we had a crowd drifting through after the breakup made the news. I was somewhat ticked off that all those people only thought the mission was worth following after 7 astronauts were killed...

Like most kids, I wanted to be an astronaut at one point, but never would have made it (a bit too tall and a bit too nearsighted

) On the plus side, I now have a 3 year old who is fascinated with all things space-related....