First the good news. These are the best pictures of one of the poles of Venus ever, better than Venera-15 or Pioneer Venus. Looks like the IR camera will show amazing details of the atmospheric circulation of the planet (which has never been simulated or fully understood).
The bad news is, the ESA is not very open about public access to their images and data. There are still only about 100 publicity images from Mars Express, and I fear it is going to be just as hard to see what Venus Express is doing.
I'm ranting, and I hope I will be wrong. But look at how NASA puts all the images from the Mars rovers, Casini, and (on PDS) all the data and images from every mission. The EU suffers from too many layers of representation and burocracy between its intellectual elite and the people. The data is for the scientists, to publish and dominate the field, and their funding is insulated from public choice enough that they don't care if people know anything beyond "look how clever we are...we paid the mean...Europe sent a probe to Venus!". OK, I'm annoyed, I guess you figured that out...