Born: July 25, 1932 in Erie, PA
Died: October 22, 2017
Joined NASA: April 4, 1966
Left NASA: May 17, 1994
Space Flights: 2
Time in Space: 33 days, 1 hour, 13 minutes
Number of EVAs: 2
Total EVA Time: 2 hours, 13 minutes
Apollo 12
Assignment: Support Crew & Capcom
Skylab 2
May 25 – June 22, 1973
Assignment: Command Module Pilot
Flight Duration: 28 days, 50 minutes
April 4-9, 1983
Assignment: Commander
Flight Duration: 5 days, 23 minutes
B.Sc., Aeronautical Engineering, Pennsylvania State Univ.,1954
M.Sc., Aeronautical Engineering, USN Postgraduate School,1964
Received Naval commission and served a year at sea before entering flight school and receiving pilots wings in 1956.
Remained with the USN, serving in various capacities until selected by NASA in 1966.
1973, CMP of the first NASA space station mission where he assisted in the repair of the Skylab Orbital Workshop performing 2 EVA’s during his near one month stay.
1983, CDR of the maiden voyage of the Space Shuttle Challenger which featured the first EVA’s of the Shuttle program.
Following STS-6, named Deputy Director, Johnson Space Center where he remained until retirement from NASA in May 1994.